Tanzania Africa Inland Church Youth(TAICY)


To see a godly, health and sanctified young generation.


To create opportunities where by every young people will be able to hear the gospel, repent and be nurtured to grow spiritually, mentally and physically.


»Relationship based.

»Godly servants, compassionate and loving.

»Outreach to every young people in Tanzania and beyond.

»Saved and called youth workers.

»Well skilled and trained youth workers.


To preach and teach the gospel and enable young people to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically in a God fearing manner.


Responding to the fast changing World and Young generation needs and challenges through Evangelism, Biblical teachings, trainings, Seminars, Conferences and weekly meetings.

TAICY model is taken from the Bible that whatever you do which ever in words or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ giving thanks to God the father through Him.Collosians 3:17

» Managing youth guest house at AICT Geita

» Training youth the word of God in that they may help others .

» Develop forest farm which includes vagitable farming activities , as well as bee keeping

» Provide vocational training so that graduates have a skill that lead to providing income.

» To disciple all young people so they can live a Christ like life.

»Taking the gospel to the unreached people

»Coordinating the weekly meetings in all Local Churches and plan Seminars, Camps, Trainings, Conferences and open air meetings.

»Running the TAICY Guest House/Workshops program in Geita. And Encourage young people to begun their own Income generating activities.

»To preach and organize Outreaches to take the Word of God to all people through Songs, Poems, plays.

»HIV/AIDS awareness and Prevention teachings.

»To Help Young people to know and stand for the AICT Constitution.

»To groom young people’s talents in sports and different carriers.

» TAICY Managing Guest house and workshop in Geita which encourage youth people income generating activities, hospitality/ vocational training

»Teaching awareness / prevention of IV/AIDS

»To encourage young develop their talents in sports and different careers.

1.Chair Person- Debora Shushu

2.Country Youth Director – Rev. Abel Lugayila

3.Chief Accountant – Zawadi Lutome Makongoro

4.Personal Secretary – Herieth Godfrey Mwembe

5.Diocese Youth Coordinator

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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam sodales odio et risus fringilla, quis fermentum tellus mollis. Sed massa libero, placerat nec eros a, ornare ultrices massa. Phasellus interdum, felis a euismod consequat, tellus odio iaculis quam, ut placerat justo erat ac lacus. Ut volutpat eros quis sagittis rutrum. Vestibulum id est eu elit malesuada facilisis. Ut tempor consequat magna id consectetur.
Vestibulum dignissim mattis tellus, at bibendum nibh sollicitudin ut. Nam vitae lorem vel odio elementum viverra ut et dolor. Mauris vitae diam ultrices, viverra est eu, egestas mi. Aenean sed quam id lectus porta scelerisque. Nulla at ultricies lacus. Morbi ultrices elit eget vulputate sagittis. Curabitur porta nibh mattis neque suscipit commodo. Sed placerat vestibulum lacus sit amet varius. Integer tempor neque vitae dictum ultrices. Fusce ac ligula nisi. Nullam vulputate diam vitae odio venenatis malesuada. Sed libero risus, placerat ut urna sed, bibendum vulputate lacus.

TAICY Head Office is based at Makongoro, Mwanza, Tanzania; as well as the AICT head quoters.

P.O.Boxx.,905, Mwanza, Tanzania.

E Mail:aictvijana@hotmail.com

Mobile +255 784 709636, +255 767809636